Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm glad this isn't a blog that a lot of people read cause it lets me get things out... even if i haven't been doing that too much. If there's anyone I don't want reading this right now, it's my roommate. He's been a great friend to me over the years, but there are those times that I really wonder if I know him like I think I do.

Earlier we were talking and hanging around when I brought up that I'd appreciate if he'd stop smoking in the house. I told him I didn't mind a ton, but that'd I'd rather him not do it. It was about then that I mentioned I didn't want my stuff smelling like smoke and that my girlfriend didn't like it and all (meaning there were other reasons). It was about that time that he said he didn't care what my girlfriend liked.

So it's not that I'm overly sensitive, but that really erked me. So what did I do? I threw a shoe at him. It wasn't something that was meant to be aggressive or disrespectful, but it was just something where I was half jokingly telling him to shut up.

So nothing really came of it, but a few hours later he sends me a facebook message telling me about how close he was to getting in a fight with me. He's talking about how I disrespected him like we're gang members and I didn't give him the respect he demands. It's just ridiculous to me. And beyond that he says how he doesn't give a damn about my girlfriend not liking the smell of smoke. He says she needs to "respect this house," whatever that means. It tells me he wasn't listening and can't remember that he said he'd quit smoking in the house.

I'm not sure why, but he seems to treat me like I'm below him on the chain of command. He seems to think he has to mentor me or something. And suddenly respect is a huge deal. I'm really not sure what's going on, but it's pissing me off that he offends me and then I owe him an apology. I'm not sure where things are going, but I don't like where they're at now and I'm not sure I can deal with them going this direction much longer.